Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Our first few days in Paris

This is the week I've been looking forward to for months. And only because it is 9 uninterrupted days off from work. *Picture me smiling like the Cheshire cat*

It is the week Hector is off at YoungLife camp in Colorado. Now, that part, we're not loving. We miss daddy something fierce. But we know he's doing a good work there, and that he is having a wonderful time.

I had originally created these grand plans for Cohen and I to fly to Denver to stay with a dear friend who just had a baby, and to even go to Hector's camp one night to visit. But, alas, I chickened out. I had this recurring vision of me, 20 weeks pregnant, carrying a purse, carry-on bag and huge toddler car seat through a busy airport, chasing my 2.5 year old who likes to see just how far away from Mama he can get. I got cold sweats just thinking about it. So, I nixed the idea and called my parents and informed them we'd be coming for the week. :) They, of course, were thrilled. They bought the kid a pool, people. They booked a trip for the end of our stay. They hauled his Thomas the Train bed out of the barn and up to our room. They were ready.

We got here late Sunday morning. We even went to the church service with them. It was so nice to see a lot of people I hadn't seen in years. I never get a chance to visit on a Sunday. As soon as we got home and had lunch, Coco was ready to swim. Pop was the first lucky swim mate.

Cohen was super unsure of his hat, so Pop pulled out a similar one, just so he'd have hat company. :)

Coco and his Granna!

Then, can I just say, that as tired as this little boy was, he took a horrid nap, then stayed awake until 10:30, then woke at 7 am, after tossing and turning all night. O_o

Monday, we went to town to ship Daddy's care package to Colorado, praying it gets there Wednesday, but assuming Thursday. :(

We got home and Coco took a 45 or 50 minute nap, again, I thought he'd take a 2-2.5 hour nap. Not the case. So, we went swimming. No pics this time, because I was enjoying the water, as well! 

Great grandmother Ivy showed up during our swim, and ended up staying for dinner (baked potatoes - my request!). She just loves coming down while we're here. 

After dinner, we (read: Cohen) rode tricycles:
With boots on, down a gravel driveway, with a trunk full of rocks. :)

We fed the catfish:

Man, I love this face...

And to top off a great evening.. we had Popsicles on the patio. 
He kept saying, "it's so cold!!" Still learning...

Shorts: immediately in the wash, no stains!

That sweet, chipped-tooth grin of his... gets me every time.

We are having a low-key day today, Granna and Pop both had to work for a while. And this guy, did NOT sleep good last night. He's staying in my room, in his toddler bed. And he tossed and turned all night, again. Every time he moved, I popped up, thinking he was awake. Then at about 1am, he was awake and was awake for about an hour. And at 6, he woke for good. I put him him in my bed and convinced him that even Granna and Pop weren't up yet. (He wanted to go make coffee.) So, he laid down with me for like 30 minutes, then Granna came and got him, so I could sleep a little longer. What is it about this place that has him waking at the crack of dawn and getting poor sleep??? He's been asleep for a morning nap from 11-1, still sleeping. We'll see how long it lasts. Then I bet he and I will go swimming. :) It's been a great trip so far. 

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