Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Liam ~ 9 months old

Well, our tiny baby is not so tiny anymore! He turned 9 months yesterday! **pats self on back for getting a picture and a blog post done on time**

This was a month of milestones!! But first, his Tonka picture:

He changes so much each month--I can't stand it!! 

Listen to what this kid accomplished this month:
1. Got TWO bottom teeth!
2. Started CRAWLING like a BOSS.
3. Started pulling up on furniture and in his crib.
4. Can feed himself PUFFS. 
5. Can halfway sign "more" when he wants more PUFFS. :)
6. Can crawl up stairs. *heart attack*
7. Got a double ear infection on his 9 month bday. O_O
8. Loves to hug his brother!
9. Went swimming in the big pool--loved it!

Still no words. 

He is still breastfed, though, he is way more distractible. His best feeds are in the middle of the night and right when he wakes up in the morning. In addition to nursing, he gets solid food several times a day. He loves pretty much all the fruits. And some veggies, if they are mixed with fruit. ;)

He is 20 pounds, 1 ounce. So big! (Cohen was 20 pounds, 15.5 ounces!) Crazy how similar they are! His thighs are so big and chunky!! PERFECTLY SQUISHY. 

He goes to bed between 8 and 9 (We aim for 8) and wakes up somewhere between 2-4am to eat. He honestly likes to go back to his bed, where he can spread out, but I'm sleepy and lazy and usually keep him with me, until he fights it too much. Then he's pretty much up by 7:30. He takes a 1-2 hour nap after he's been up for about 2 hours (unless he has an undiagnosed [yet] double ear infection, like today) and then another 2 hour nap when Cohen naps (around 2 or 3 pm.)

He's loving sound toys now, and trying to push the buttons. :) We're training him to love his lovey ;) by tucking it in with him each night and at nap time. (Cohen still very much needs his, and treats it like his baby now.. putting it for naps, feeding it) :)

Here were some outtakes:

Ummm.. I think this is the last one, Mom...

Yup, I'm outta here!

Ok, one more. :)


That elbow, though!!!

It is the perfect age right now. Perfect. Stay little, my sweet boy. Please??? We love you!

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