Friday, July 13, 2012


We had meal plan success this week! Not ONCE did we eat out! Wednesday before group, I was tired, it was kinda close to go time, and Hector said, "Wanna just grab something on the way?" I thought about it, came {this} close to saying, "YES! I so don't wanna cook today!" but refrained, and said, "No, I've got the chicken thawed out... I'm going to make dinner."

So, we had this. Greek Salsa Chicken.

Because of aforementioned laziness and time constraints, I didn't take pictures of the prep. But I followed the recipe exactly.

It had this "salsa" on top.
parsley, cherry tomatoes, kalamata olives, feta cheese, olive oil, oregano, lemon juice
BEST combo ever. We had leftover of this and ate it the following night with couscous. :)

I served it with roasted red potatoes. 

Tonight we had Grilled Cajun Ranch Chicken Pasta. Another win! Except, I tried the healthier option in the pasta sauce, where I used evaporated milk instead of heavy cream. And my sauce came out super watery! The flavor was there, but it didn't stick to the pasta whatsoever. But the marinade for the chicken was amazing! I'm SO excited to be taking that chicken in my lunch for work tomorrow!

It feels amazing to know that we didn't eat out, and that we followed our plan this week! Small victories, people. :)

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried to substitute with plain milk instead of cream? I use that in all my sauces and gravy's and it still works! Sometimes you can thicken it with a roux to make it creamier without all the calories.


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